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Healing Doesn't Mean the Damage Never Existed, It Means It Ceases to Control Our Lives
From Surviving to Thriving in a Romantic Relationship
How to Reignite the Passion & Keep the Magic Alive When the Journey Gets Tough

At the start of a relationship everything seems effortless. It seems so easy, you laugh at the same jokes, you feels comfortable around each other, and it seems like you have met 'The One'. You can't stop thinking about each other.
But as the relationship continues, and you move forward, it doesn't feel that way anymore. You start noticing things that begin to irk you.
You may find your partner is no longer as attentive as as before.
I have heard the phrase' You have changed, and you aren't the person I met' many times, when couples are struggling in their relationship.
Those little niggles become bigger niggles, perhaps due to outside influences, or because of past experiences that get you wondering whether they are the right person for you.
That's the reason I wrote this book. Because each stage of a relationship can bring its challenges.
Whether it's moving in together, getting married, a new baby. Or when those challenges arise, such serious illness, or redundancy.
Each chapter includes an exercise, if that works for you.
There is an excerpt below, the full is available on Amazon, either paperback or Kindle version.
The 3 Cs Vital in a Healthy Relationship
I believe there are three basic ingredients needed in a committed relationship for it to be healthy and successful.
If any of these are lacking, then don’t ignore the situation, work on that area. If all three are missing, then the relationship is in real trouble, and you may have to really consider whether this relationship is ever going to work, unless both of you are prepared to make some huge changes.
Are you really committed to the relationship? This means more than fidelity and exclusion of all others in a romantic and intimate way. Being committed is about being willing to put in the effort and intention to make this relationship work. It’s about you and your partner being truly invested in it, working as a team, through the tough times as well as the happy times. Trusting each other to be honest and faithful, and feeling safe enough to put your trust in your partner.
Ask yourself if you love each other, but also whether you are in love with each other. Do you demonstrate care and love for your partner on a daily basis. Of course words are important, but behaviour and gestures speak volumes. Acts of kindness, affection, generosity, loyalty, self-sacrifice, understanding and empathy, support and encouragement all demonstrate your care and love for each other.
Intimacy and sex are important in a romantic relationship too, but you cannot build a relationship on sex alone. That kind of relationship will be far too shallow, as well as unsustainable. Read more about sex and intimacy in Chapter 17.
Friendship is a major factor in any relationship. It doesn’t mean you have to be joined at the hip, sharing every single leisure or hobby. That would lead to the relationship feeling claustrophobic. However, it does mean experiencing enjoyment in each other’s company, as well as there being elements of mutual support and fun.
I love allowing my Inner Child out to play. There is nothing more enjoyable than just having uninhibited fun. Whether with a partner, friend, or child. And let’s face it laughter is one of the best medicines.
This is much deeper than talking on a superficial level about the daily issues in life. Communication is being able to talk to each other about your deeper thoughts, dreams, aspirations, without being judged or put down. Talking to each other about the things that aren’t going so well, and working together to find ways to resolve them.
It’s also being interested in what each other thinks and feels, and not being dismissive if you don’t ‘get’ how each other feels, or don’t agree with their beliefs. By being able to listen to each other’s concerns within the relationship, without being dismissive, trying to understand each other’s feelings, you will build a strong and more intimate bond.
Having respect and regard for each other as individuals in their own right allows each of you to grow.
How often do you hear someone saying of their partner, ‘I know what you are thinking!’?
However well you know each other you can’t possibly know what someone is thinking or is going to say, and it’s disrespectful to each other to say that. There is nothing more galling than someone telling you this.
So allow your partner to speak for themselves, instead of assuming you know what they are thinking or are going to say. Listen carefully, you may be surprised and hear something you had previously not heard.

How many times a week do you sit down and talk to your partner about your relationship – rather than about the daily issues in life?
Do you talk to your partner about what is troubling you about your relationship?
How often do you spend quality time with your partner, going out together on your own?
Do you talk to your partner on a regular basis about personal, meaningful issues?
How often do you talk to your partner rather than watch TV/text friends/play online games alone/bring work home?
Do you make time for your partner when they phone you?
How often do you initiate positive, loving physical contact with your partner?
Do you greet your partner lovingly when you first meet?
How often do you do something for your partner so they feel you really care about them?
Are you available to your partner when the have a problem to just be there and listen
Are you faithful to your partner to the exclusion of others in a romantic, intimate and sexual way?
Are you totally committed to putting in the effort to making your relationship work, even through the tough times?
Do you demonstrate your honesty, and trustworthiness?
Do you work together as a team?
To obtain a copy of the complete book with advice and help about relationships click on the link below -